I'm Jamie and I am a singer-songwriter from Dorset, in the UK.
 Music has always been a part of my life from early days of dancing around the kitchen to Bruce Springsteen and singing in Churches, pubs and living rooms, to studying Record Production at University, songs always have, and always will play an integral part in my life. I believe that songs are of enormous importance, ‘music takes words into our souls without asking for permission’, and so I sing songs about the things I care about, songs about Jesus, songs about hope, songs that change narratives, songs of prayer and of storytelling. Thank you for being part of the journey with me.
If you are interested in having me come and play a few of my songs acoustic or with a band, lead worship, have a testimony to share or simply want to say hi, then email jamiepritchardmusic@gmail.com. I'd love to hear from you!